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Oyster College of Physiotherapy provides free bus services.
Exercise Therapy and Electro Therapy laboratories well equipped with modern and latest equipments and gadgets.
There are two Physiotherapy laboratories:
Therapeutic Gymnasium or Laboratory for Exercise Therapy : The Laboratory is equipped to handle aerobics as well as musculoskeletal training. It houses all the necessary euipments such as ergo cycle, treadmill, hydraulic rowing machines, suspension apparatus and various sets of weights.
Laboratory for Electro Therapy: It Houses all the required equipments which produce various frequencies of currents-such as low, medium and high frequency.
Oyster College of Physiotherapy has one of the best Anatomy Lab, equipped with complete range of articulated skeletal, various bones, models, charts, right amount of written text, and contains very good illustration, photos to provide better understanding of the subjects to its students. Anatomy laboratory is in a clear and concise way.
The lab is very interactive and contains activities and experiments that enhance student´s ability to both visualize anatomical structures. A Good Dissection Hall is available for the students so that they learn the anatomy of the human body through dissection.
Oyster College of Physiotherapy have one of the best set ups with respect to the laboratories. The state of the art laboratories are well equipped with the latest instruments and equipment which are required for the undergraduate, as well as, post graduate students. Highly sophisticated analytical lab and pilot plant in the Industrial Pharmacy lab is the main attraction of the infrastructure. The labs are spacious, airy and systematically arranged for easy movement in the lab. Besides the basic facilities of piped gas, water and drainage, every lab has a preparation room, facilitated with the safety measures, individual recessed storage space and balance room. The facilities and labs are maintained as much as possible as per the Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMP). All the Instruments and equipment are one of the best and are at par in any pharmaceutical industry though in some cases are at a scaled down size. Instrument and equipment are routinely maintained and are operated as per the Standard Operating procedures (SOPs) which are displayed for the operator. A log book is maintained for each of the Instrument/equipment.
Oyster College of Physiotherapy Facility of The computer labs are well maintained with ample space and seating arrangements. The students are allotted with individual computers every time they access into the labs. They also get the access to internet connectivity, which can help them in their studies and various research activities. The computers are updated regularly and are also audio and visually enabled. The research work done by the students helps them to learn more than their books and lectures. The computers and its access help the students to be updated all the time.
Oyster College of Physiotherapy Specious well-ventilated and lighted classrooms with all modern teaching aids like Overhead Projectors, slide projectors and LCD projector.
Smart Classrooms with student-centric traditional lecture style teaching space and best technological equipment to aid usage of all interactive modules and visually attractive methods of teaching for appealing the students.
Under the Oyster College of Physiotherapy also have specific cafeterias within the premises. The food and snacks served in the cafeterias are freshly made. The taste of the food is also delicious which doesn’t let the students feel home sick.A proper check is made on the hygiene and cleanliness of the cafeterias. The tables, chairs, floors and the place where the food is cooked are cleaned frequently and timely.
Oyster College of Physiotherapy very near to Aurangabad City.
Library provides the resources and information for all your varied needs — access to online articles and journals, books, ebooks, audiobooks, DVDs and more to get your work done with the most relevant and current information.
Oyster has adequate infrastructure to meet these above mentioned aims. There are four fields where students have the opportunity of developing their skills.