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Course Intake Duration Fees
B. Pharma
4 Year duration degree course
80,000 /- Per Year
Pharma .D
6 Year duration degree course
75,000 /- Per Year

I) B.Pharm

All those candidates who have passed the 10+2 examination with Physics and Chemistry as compulsory subjects, along with one of the following subjects:-Mathematics / Bio-Technology / Computer Science / Biology with 45% (PCM/PCB for general & 40% for reserved category in MH-CET)


All those candidates who have passed Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized Pharmacy College.

II) Lateral entry (Direct second year B.Pharm admission)

The students who have passed D.Pharm course with minimum 40% marks in aggregate or 35% for SC/ST. Such students can directly take admission into second year B.Pharm through DTH OR by direct admission as management quota without counselling.

Affiillations & Approvals :

The B.Pharm course is approved by AICT, PCI of India New Delhi, DTE Ma . Govt. & Dr. BAMU Aurangabad. AICT has approved Oyster Institute of Pharmacy in 2011. DIRECTORATE OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION, MAHARASHTRA, MUMBAI Recognized Oyster Institute of Pharmacy in 2011 and allotted the college code: 2514. Choice code for students being 251482310 to be used for filling in the preference list by the candidates.


The B.Pharm course is of four year duration, for which the Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Maharathwada University, Aurangabad conducts the qualifying examinations. Students completing the degree course are eligible to register as pharmacist and practice the profession throughout India as per the rules and regulations of Pharmacy Council of India. Through this Degree program the students are trained to work in hospitals as well as in pharmaceutical industries and in hospitals all over India. Students completing the degree program in this institution are thus themselves getting enormous confidence and ability in their profession.
All along the duration of the above said courses, the students would avail with of training/coaching in such areas like.
I GATE I TOEFL I Spoken English 1 Computer Programming etc. IT is optional for the student of select one or more of these. All such training / coaching are being conducted with the assistance of expiries specialized in the corresponding areas.

Allocation of Seats :

80% (96 Seats) are filled by the confidant authority of Government of Maharashtra though centralized admission process (CAP) 20% (24 Seats) are filled by the Management at thee institute level.